Common FAQs

How can I get cars for rent sooner -

Users can search for any cars and they can contact the suppliers directly for a quick rental

What types of cars available in CaRental +

Cars under SUV, Sedan, Hatchback, Station Wagon, Convertibles, Van, Limousine and Coupe are available.

How do I report any car listing +

Give "Report Listing" option which you can find in car detail page and fill the required details and submit.

When will my reported problem will sort out +

CaRental team will take the reported problems immediately within 24 hours and will take action soonest possible if we find it is valuable.

How can I list my cars here in CaRental website +

For listing cars in CaRental, you need to join as a partner. You can fill the required details in partnership page and submit. We will contact you soon once submitted.

Is there any cost for list my cars in CaRental +

You can list your cars for free of cost.

Is there any cost required for rent a car from CaRental +

You can contact the supplers for free of cost in CaRental without any commission.

Report FAQs

How do I report any car listing +

Give "Report Listing" option which you can find in car detail page and fill the required details and submit.

When will my reported problem will sort out +

CaRental team will take the reported problems immediately within 24 hours and will take action soonest possible if we find it is valuable.

Partnership FAQs

How can I list my cars here in CaRental website +

For listing cars in CaRental, you need to join as a partner. You can fill the required details in partnership page and submit. We will contact you soon once submitted.

Is there any cost for list my cars in CaRental +

You can list your cars for free of cost.